What Physiotherapists are to Orthopaedicians, Vision therapists are to eye surgeons.Vision therapy (sometimes called vision training or VT) is like physical therapy for the visual system, teaching the eyes and the brain to overcome certain visual problems. An alternative to surgical treatment, it’s supervised by an optometrist and is always customized to the patient.

Like a physical therapist, a vision therapist will give a patient exercises to improve visual skills. Sometimes these exercises will be done in an eye doctor’s office, and other times they may be assigned for home practice.Vision therapy uses specialized equipment and tools—like prisms, therapeutic lenses, patches, and balance boards—to help patients perform visual activities and exercises.

It’s not about making eye muscles stronger, and it doesn’t mean you (or your child) will be able to lose their glasses or contact lenses.

It’s also not just for kids. Even though we associate learni ng disorders and other conditions with children and development, vision therapy can help people of all ages.

Glasses and contacts are important for helping you see clearly, but there are a number of vision conditions that aren’t treatable with corrective eyewear. Vision therapy programs are designed to treat a variety of vision problems and even reading and learning disorders:

  • Amblyopia, or lazy eye
  • Eye focusing (accommodative dysfunction)
  • Eye teaming (binocular vision dysfunction)
  • Eye tracking (oculomotor dysfunction)
  • Visual perceptual and processing deficits

For children and adults who struggle with reading or learning and who aren’t helped by glasses alone, vision therapy can help bridge the gap to greater comfort and confidence. VT can be effective for those who experience things like:

  • Eye strain or headaches when accomplishing visual tasks
  • Poor depth perception or hand-eye coordination
  • Difficulties processing visual information
  • Skipping words or losing their place when reading
  • Vision that gets blurry or trouble focusing when taking notes, reading or working on a computer.

Book Your appointments at the earliest at Bhalanetra Superspeciality Eye Hospital by calling us on +919833976577